My Brother’s Keeper

Am I my brother’s keeper

When he cries out to me?

Will I share my resources

At home across the sea?


Am I my brother’s keeper

Reaching out with love

To share some of the blessings

God sends me from above.


Am I my brother’s keeper

Compassionate and wise,

looking at the less fortunate

Through our Savior’s eyes?


The joy that comes from giving

Is manna for the soul.

It’s the thread that unites us

And makes the broken whole.


Am I my brother’s keeper

When the going gets tough?

Whatever I may give away.

I always have enough.


God loves a cheerful giver…

It changes lives you see.

Am I my brother’s keeper

When he cries out to me?

Clay Harrison

Complete my joy by being of the same mind, with the sames love united in heart, thinking one thing. Philippians 2:2




Author: Bridget McGill

I was born in Ireland where many holy wells exist with many dedicated to St. Brigid. This inspired the name of this site.

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